
Exquisite: The Geisha Varietal

Tom Maegdlin8/ 9/23

When it comes to the world of coffee, connoisseurs are always on the lookout for unique and exceptional flavors that can transport them into another sensory dimension. One such gem in the coffee universe is the Geisha varietal, known for its extraordinary flavors and captivating aromas. Originating in the lush...

All Coffee is Not Created Equal

Tom Maegdlin5/10/23

Not all coffee is created equal. There are two main types of coffee: commodity coffee and specialty coffee. At Hansa, you’ll only find specialty. While both types may come from the same plant, there are significant differences between them. Lets find out why. Commodity Coffee Commodity coffee, also known as...

Pablo Escobar May Be Partly Responsible for Your Morning Coffee

Tom Maegdlin5/ 1/23

Colombia is one of the largest coffee producers in the world, with its coffee industry employing more than 500,000 people and generating over $2 billion in revenue annually. However, the industry is facing a major threat from narco traffickers, who are using coffee farms as a front for their illegal...

Revolutionary: Coffee's Role in Political and Social Change

Tom Maegdlin4/27/23

Coffee houses have played a significant role in several revolutions throughout history. These establishments have long been associated with intellectual discourse and political debate, making them a natural gathering place for individuals with a shared interest in revolutionary ideas. One of the most notable examples of the relationship between coffee...

Peaberry: A Love Story

Tom Maegdlin4/24/23

If you're a coffee lover, you have probably dabbled in the much-beloved Peaberry. This coveted type of coffee is unique because it is essentially a natural accident in biology. Unlike regular beans, which grow two seeds per cherry, a Peaberry only has one. This results in a smaller, rounder bean...